Monday, November 22, 2010

We are going iPhone!

Well, like thousands of other companies, we decided to start developing some iPhone Applications and we’ve just finished our first.

We're not intending to make a big impact on the App Store Market. Instead, we are trying to focus on some non-revolutionary niche products that we hope will be very useful to you.

Power to You
We will soon introduce a special forum based on Google Moderator (similar to uservoice) where you can suggest improvements and rate other suggestions. We intend to work closely with our users so that your improvements can be implemented.

The App

Our first application, or rather set-of-applications, is called Station Wake Me. That’s right—it’s an App that allows you to sleep safely through your daily commute. Here’s how it works:
Heading home from work, you’re sitting in the train, staring out the window. You
’re tired and frustrated by the waste of time. Well, that doesn't have to be. With Station Wake Me, all you have to do is enter in your final station, activate the alarm, lay back, and relax. Don't worry about missing your station; our App will wake you up when you’re there.

Station Wake Me is currently available for the Australian cities of Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide and with Victoria representing an entire state. Sydney is coming soon and only needs approval from the App Store.
This app is not a commercial app. It’s free. We integrated Apple iAd or Googles AdMob to help us keep it that way.

Here are some additional key facts about the app:

  • no Internet usage
  • includes all railway stations of the specific city and the surrounding area
  • optimized for minimal battery usage
  • works even when the iPhone is in sleep state
  • and best of all, its FREE

We hope that you find it as useful as we do!


  1. Wow this looks really useful! I can't wait to try it out!

  2. A having issues getting a sound to set in alarm sound. As soon as I select it seems to kill the app and heads back to the home screen on the iPhone. I am using ios5. Am I doing something wrong??

  3. I am having the same issue as Rastas000. Trying to select an alarm sound kills the app. This pretty much renders it useless. Could you please update this to fix as otherwise its a great app.
    PS I too am on ios5

  4. is it possible to have a vibration alarm instead of a sound alarm.

  5. Any chance of an Android version?
